Speech Timer Plugin

Speech Timer

Words: 0 | Characters: 0 | Pages: 0

Estimated Speech Time


Though we cannot figure out the exact time of a speech due to the different factors like pauses, emphasis, ad-libbing and changes, speech content, and personal speaking style etc,there is a way we can calculate the estimated speech time. Our speech timer tool helps you calculate the duration of your speech based on the words in your text. The tool calculates the speech time for slow, conversational and fast speakers.

Apart from telling the speech time, the speech timer also helps you count the number of words, characters and pages of your text. With this feature, you can adjust the text in a balanced way to make your presentation, content, blogs, speech in a professional way.

How to use the Speech Timer?

There are only 2 steps to use it:

Step#1 Type or paste your text in the input box.

Step#2 Click the ‘Calculate’ button and the tool will instantly display the speech time!

How can a speech timer be beneficial?

A speech timer helps you in different ways, some of them are listed below:

  1. One of the primary benefits of using this tool is time management. It helps you ensure that your speech is not too fast or too short, helping you prepare a presentation with the right number of words.
  2. Estimating the time based on words proves a precise assessment. It minimizes the guesswork and gives a quantitative guideline for pacing.
  3. It lets you edit and modify your speech as needed. You can add or take out the part from your text to meet the time limit.
  4. This tool is great if you are planning for a visual aid presentation as it helps you know the word count, assisting you prepare the concise slides that complement the spoken time.
  5. By knowing the speech time, it helps reduce the stress of uncertainty and enable speakers to focus on delivering their message confidently.

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